Beverage Packaging machine

Beverage Packaging machine This Beverage Packaging machine,which was earlier was being used in mechanical mode has been automated by Me a...

WorkShop held At Neeraja Modi School , Jaipur,Rajasthan

Work Shop held At Neeraja Modi School, Jaipur,Rajasthan Here we are giving some sneak pics of the wonderful moments spent with...

WorkShop At MNIT,jaipur,Rajasthan

Work Shop held At MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan Related Robotics Work Shops Project work at NSIC, Rajkot, Gujrat, India...

Project work at NSIC, Rajkot, Gujrat, India

Project work at NSIC Rajkot, Gujrat, India Different group of students working together on various projects... Related Robotics Work Sh...

Engineering Projects(Embedded,Robotics,PLC,SCADA,Control Panels)

Hi Friends I am here again with new and interesting news.We have started doing Engineering Projects at NSIC Technical Services Center – ...

Stepper Motor Working Demo

Presenting Stepper motor driver , programming done on Atmega32 micro-controller . Can be used with any accessories and any add on ,and c...

- - - Monster Charger.- - -

  ....The Monster.... Ooopssssssss What is this??????? Do it looks like Monster .............. may be Octopus... Don't worry it ...

Servo Controller for Robotics Projects

Servo Controller Servo controller ,by using simple logic,can be used for making joy stick type Robotic Arm Joy Stick Arm Beauti...

Robotics camp-Interview of Alpesh Bhai

Robotics camp was organised in OM Shanti College, Rajkot, Gujarat,India, By our company Electro Robotech.  Our Mentor has something to sa...

Robotics camp-Interview of Groups Road Racer

Robotics camp was organised in OM Shanti College, Rajkot, Gujarat,India, By our company Electro Robotech. One of the groups Road Racer exp...

Robotics camp-Interview of Groups Star Striker

Robotics camp was organised in OM Shanti College, Rajkot, Gujarat,India, By our company Electro Robotech. One of the groups  Star Strike...

Robotics camp-Introductory Speech - Robotics Work Shop

Robotics camp was organised in OM Shanti College, Rajkot, Gujarat,India, By our company Electro Robotech. From dais our manager is sha...

Working Line follower Robot

This robot vehicle uses a light sensor to follow a color boundary on a smooth surface, such as the thick black line on the Test Pad inclu...

Exhibition AT NSIC,Rajkot,GUJ,INDIA.

EXhibition AT NSIC,Rajkot,GUJ,INDIA.     --- This was our Transporter and Distributor of our Pamphlets.(See others P...

Industrial Pipe Painter - Industrial Automation

This is Automatic tube painter,just insert the tube and rings will be painted,It will not just save labour cost but increase production....

Motors and their types-Science Tutorials

The operation of a DC motor is dependent on the workings of the poles of the stator with a part of the rotor, or armature. The stator c...

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