Proteus 3D Work

"I'll put here some components created for use in Proteus software : Isis for schematic drawing, Ares for PCB design. Oh, just a few components I had to work with and that were not in initial libraries. And for the fun, I started to make 3D models for use in Ares 3D viewer. Please, don't compare my work with work of known artists. My only goal is to do 3D models that are more realistic than a red or black square ;-)."
Librairies 3D - Composed with RealWorld Icon Editor
I discovered a software dedicated to icons creation, called RealWorld Icon Editor (RWIE), that can be accessed on rw-designer web site. In a first approach, no link possible with Proteus and 3D models. But after reading RWIE documentation, I saw this software was able to import 3DS files. 3DS import, yes, but 3DS export, non. So, I wrote to the software developper to ask him if 3DS export function was planned in the developpement line. Answer was "Yes, why not". Well, I tried the software, and started to do some objects, after reading available tutorials. What I got ? My first 3D components, a transistor TO18 package.
All that only with two hours of work ! My poor potentiometer 3D model made with Blender took me some days... I continued to made one or two components with RWIE, waiting for the 3DS export function. Function that came very quickly. After some tests and software adjustements, Export to 3DS from RWIE and import to Ares was perfect for me. I decided to pay a license of RWIE, because it allow me to do some 3D models that are compatible with Ares, and because these models are easy to do and very easy to modify (the RWIE software had some mecanism to avoid repetitive tasks, as do 14 pins with only one at the base, and if I had to change pos, size or color of the 14 pins, I have to change only the reference one).
16/10/2011 : got the latest release of RWIE, after upgrading from V2008.1 to V2011.1. Software now take benefits of new fonctions really usefull, as the controled multiplication of a 3D base object (Iterative function). A good example of usage of the iterative function is for the modelisation of the Avago HDSP-B0xG seven segments four digits LED display, as we can see on the following screeshot.
Note:Original Post-Librairies for Proteus (Isis / Ares / 3D)
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