OpAmp as a Differentiator - Operational Amplifiers Types Tutorials Series
Op-amp as a Differentiator
•The two op-amp configurations shown below perform the function of differentiation
–The circuit on the left is the complement of the integrator circuit shown on slide 2-14, simply switching the capacitor and resistor
–The circuit on the right differentiates by replacing the capacitor with an inductor
•For the circuit on the left we can write
•Similarly, for the circuit on the right we can obtain
•By nature a differentiator is more susceptible to noise in the input than an integrator, since the slope of the input signal will vary wildly with the introduction of noise spikes.
•The two op-amp configurations shown below perform the function of differentiation
–The circuit on the left is the complement of the integrator circuit shown on slide 2-14, simply switching the capacitor and resistor
–The circuit on the right differentiates by replacing the capacitor with an inductor
•For the circuit on the left we can write
= C(dvIN/dt)
= i2
= (0 – vOUT)/R2 or
vOUT = - R2C (dvIN/dt)
•Similarly, for the circuit on the right we can obtain
vOUT = - (L/R1) (dvIN/dt)
•By nature a differentiator is more susceptible to noise in the input than an integrator, since the slope of the input signal will vary wildly with the introduction of noise spikes.