C Programming - Data Structure Interview Questions Answer

We have started series of C programming Q&A for job interview for freshers.Computer / IT Engineering Professionals and Students alike will be benefited.We recommend our user to go through previous post to enhance their knowledge and increase their work productivity and skill ratings at their Job.
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1. Which is problem oriented language
- PL/I
- none of above
- none of above
3. Which data structure is needed to convert infix notations to postfix notations
- linear list
- tree
- stack
- queue
4. Repeated execution of simple computation may cause compounding of
- round off errors
- syntax errors
- run time errors
- logic errors
5. Deletion from one end and insertion from other end is
- stack
- branch
- tree
- queue
6. Which statement we should ignore in structure programming
7. In C how many parameters can passed to a function
- 2
- 5
- 10
- as many as defined in function definition
8. minimum number of stacks of size n required to implement a queue of size n
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
9. Preorder is
- depth first order
- breadth first order
- topological order
- linear order
10. Sort which compares adjacent elements in a list and switch where necessary is
- Insertion sort
- Heap sort
- Quick sort
- Bubble sort
11. Recursive problems are implemented by
- queues
- stacks
- linked lists
- strings
12. A linear list from which elements can be added or removed from either end is called
- stack
- queue
- deque
- tree
13. ++i is equivalent to
- i = i + 2
- i = i + 1
- i = i + i
- i = i - 1
14. How many divisions are there in COBOL language
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
15. O log(n) can be connected with
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Binary sort
- Merge sort
16. Which of the languages is often translated to the pseudo code
- PL/I
17. Merge sort uses
- Divide and conquer strategy
- Backtracking approach
- Heuristic search
- Greedy approach
18. Which is having highest precedence in C
- relational operators
- equality operator
- logical operator
- arithmetic operator
19. Which sorting method is slowest
- Quick sort
- Heap sort
- Shell sort
- Bubble sort
20. Information about an array used in a program will be stored in
- symbol table
- activation record
- dope vector
- system table