Embedded Programming Interview Questions for Engineering Freshers Basics Tutorials
What are the functional requirements that are used in the embedded systems? Functional requirements specifies the discrete and the logi...

What are the functional requirements that are used in the embedded systems? Functional requirements specifies the discrete and the logi...
Differentiate between mutexes vs semaphores. Semaphores is a synchronization tool to overcome the critical section problem. A semapho...
How are macros different from inline functions? Macros are normally used whenever a set of instructions/tasks have to be repeatedly perfo...
What is the need for an infinite loop in Embedded systems? Infinite Loops are those program constructs where in there is no break stateme...
*Frequency Response of an Op-amp •An open-loop op-amp has a constant gain Ao only at low frequencies, and a continuously reducing gai...
Slew Rate Limitation in an Operational Amplifiers 1. A real op-amp is limited in its ability to respond instantaneously to an input s...
Effect of Non-zero Input Bias Currents •In practice op-amps do not actually have zero input currents, but rather have very small input cu...