MS Excel Secrets - Improving Productivity Using Excel
- To format a phone number, use the custom format code “000-000-0000″
- To set phone number with 1 digit country code format, enter (+0) 000 000 0000, for 2 digit country codes you can try (+00) 000 000 0000.
- To set social security number (SSN) format, enter 000-00-0000
- To set ZIP code format, enter 00000, for 9 digit ZIP codes you can try 00000-0000
- To show values after decimal point only when number is less than one, use [<1]_($#,##0.00_);_($#,##0_) as formatting code
- To remove grid lines from excel worksheet, go to menu > tools > options > and un-check grid lines option. (Excel 2007: office button > excel option > advanced)
- To hide a worksheet, go to menu > format > sheet > hide
- To align multiple objects, like charts, drawings, pictures use drawing toolbar > align and select alignment option
- To freeze rows on top, select the a row and use menu > window > freeze panes
- To disable annoying formula errors, go to menu > tools > options > error checking tab and disable errors you don’t want to see
- To change the shape of cell comments from rectangle to some other symbol, select the comment, go to drawing tool bar and change the shape from there
- To transpose a range of cells, copy the cells, go to empty area, and press alt+e+s+e
- To save data filter settings so that you can reuse them again, use custom views
- To select all formulas, press CTRL+G, select “special” and check “formulas”
- To select all constants, press CTRL+G, select “special” and check “constants”
- To clear formats from a range, select menu > edit > clear > “formats”
- To move a chart and align it with cells, hold down ALT key while moving the chart
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